What is it, and what does it cost?

It is important to me that any woman who wants to deepen her understanding of herself and how she lives her life, and/or come together with other women on this path, can do so. I want it to feel easy to join what you are interested in.

The seasonal workshops will remain open to all, at no cost. That makes it possible to participate in regular, structured sessions throughout the year at no cost. These will both ‘stand alone’ and also complement the Life-Labs and individual coaching.

Life-labs are themed coaching groups that are offered in workshop form, some as stand-alone sessions, others meeting regularly over a course of months. Depending on how much work I need to do ‘in the background’, these offers will be costed around £30/hour.

I offer two prices for coaching - £80/hour, and 1/3 of my available places will be offered at £50/hour. If you can pay the higher price, do so knowing you are supporting another woman to access coaching at a price that is easier for her to afford.

I do my best to be inclusive of our rich diversity and appreciate people letting me know what I can do to enable them to feel safe, at ease and most able to fully participate in any space I am hosting.

**While this website describes what is available for individual women, please note that I am also able to shape any of these offers to be made available within organisations or otherwise established groups of women and girls 13+ **

My Approach

My approach as a coach is integrative – drawing on a wide range of theoretical and experiential ways of understanding the complex reality of people and our lives. With a background in psychology, I am keenly interested in applications from positive psychology and neuroscience as they relate to enabling us to be, and feel, our best. I regularly offer ‘homework’ between our meetings, using tools and frameworks from the range of approaches that I draw on.


I consider each coaching relationship to be unique, as each individual I work with brings different resources, experience and challenges to our work together. I am adaptive, professional, intuitive, confident, curious and craft powerful questions. I bring an appreciative approach, excellent interpersonal skills, an attunded presence and absolute trust in our human capacity to change and grow.

While there is much that is unique and bespoke in each of my coaching relationships, I keep a simple architecture in mind.

  • Align - with who you are, and what you care about.

  • Design - life, work, and relationships that are truly suited to who you are and what you care about.

  • Shine your light in the world, aligned and designed.

  • Refine your design based on your experience of living it.

I don’t have an ‘off the shelf’ package for coaching, as I agree frequency of sessions with each person and know that our relationship will continue only for as long as is useful.

For some people that is just a couple of meetings, for others, it is a series of regular sessions and then more intermittent follow-up.

I will happily share my thoughts based on my experience working with others so that you can decide what is right for you.

Life Labs

These are small, virtual, coaching groups that are structured similarly to workshops.

All of my workshop/Life-lab offers will have a theme, and these will be highlighted in my newsletter as well as on my website. These groups will include practical exercises, small and large group exploration of the theme and women’s lived experience of it, and some ‘homework’ between our meetings that will be easily integrated into life generally.

I will also be offering occasional in-person workshops and coaching groups, which will also be promoted through my newsletter and website.

Seasonal Workshops

These free, virtual workshops happen on Sunday afternoons nearest to the solstices and equinoxes. We will use the energy of the season as a way to explore our own lives - for instance, thinking about what we are planting in the spring, sorting and storing from our harvest in autumn, or what we are taking with us to gestate through darkest winter.

Participating in the four workshops throughout the year will be a rich personal development journey, and can also be considered a useful complement Life Labs and individual coaching.

Dates and themes will be shared in my newsletter and here on my website.